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Affording NA

Newark Academy recognizes that the cost of an independent school education represents a significant investment for any family. We are committed to ensuring that NA remains accessible and affordable to families across northern New Jersey.

During the 2024-2025 school year the tuition is $51,200 plus $2,000 in required fees. However, nearly 20% of students pay far less than that. In fact, 57% of our Financial Aid recipient families earn over $150K.

Breakdown of Awards by Income Level:


2024-2025 Fast Facts


of the student body receives financial aid.

$4.5 million

was awarded in financial aid this year.


or 71.5% of tuition was the average award this year.

NA offers need-based financial aid, and we meet 100% of demonstrated need. To determine need, we partner with Clarity.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

Clarity takes into account a family’s income, assets, expenses, debt, and other factors when evaluating need. All completed applications submitted to Clarity are reviewed by Newark Academy’s Financial Aid Committee. Decisions are communicated to families in the spring of each year for the coming school year.

New families - the financial aid application process is separate from the admission process. Please complete a Clarity application by January 10, 2025.

Returning families - if seeking financial aid for the first time, please contact

Create a Clarity Account

Once Clarity receives your application, it will request supporting documentation. The Clarity Financial Aid Application must be completed online by December 1, 2024 for current families and January 10, 2025 for prospective families.

Financial aid decisions and awards are issued with re-enrollment in January for returning families. New families will receive their financial aid decisions and awards in February, alongside their admission decision.

For more information about the specifics of our Financial Aid program, please review our Financial Aid Guidelines.

Costs Beyond Tuition

Newark Academy monitors the total cost of attendance, and aims to minimize costs beyond tuition for all families. For families receiving financial aid, NA provides proportional aid on all required items, including lunch and technology fees, transportation, books, Immersion and Capstone experiences. Each student receiving financial aid also receives a discretionary allowance to help offset additional school-related expenses. 

Sample Costs Beyond Tuition

Additional Program Costs Fee Division
AP and IB Exams $50/exam Upper School
Books $600/year Upper/Middle School
Immersion $1,800-$3,800/trip Upper School
Athletic Pre-season Training/Travel $400-$2,000/year Upper School


$4,500-$7,500/year Upper/Middle School
Capstone $600/year Middle School


Financial Aid Resources


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