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Clubs & Activities

Beyond the classroom, NA students hone their skills in more than 60 extracurricular clubs and activities — from The Minuteman (student newspaper) and Mock Trial team to the Philosophy and Psychology Club and the Robotics Team.

Students dressed in cultural garb for Diwali
Students piece together Legos
Students smile and hold posters that say, %22Thank you Veterans%22
Students sit at a table with laptops and food and smile
Students pose in front of a sign that reads %22New Jersey Law Center%22
Students work on VEX Robots

Student Leadership Opportunities

Newark Academy offers students the opportunity to explore all facets of leadership and supports the notion that students may lead from any position in a group or organization. From serving as the spokesperson of a group project to writing a proposal for starting a new club, Newark Academy students are given opportunities to develop leadership skills every day. The acquisition of leadership skills and experiences are built in to the NA curriculum at every grade level through the adoption of the "Six Cs," a rubric of essential skills that students are expected to develop over the course of their NA education. Some leadership opportunities include:

Council Members

Student representation from all grade levels work closely with faculty and administrator advisors to develop student programming throughout the year and to give voice to student concerns through various councils including: School Council; Community Service Council; Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Council; and Sustainability Council.

Club Leaders

By taking on leadership roles in a club or activity, students will learn how to organize events, delegate tasks, problem-solve and collaborate with their peers. Club leaders often become more confident, gain a sense of a responsibility and learn how to adapt to unforeseen challenges.

Team Captains

The Minuteman Varsity Captains' program gives students an opportunity to share in the responsibility of team preparation and esprit d'corps. Students who are selected to become team captains are supported in their roles by their respective head coaches and the Director of Athletics.

Peer Leaders & Middle School Mentors

A long-standing tradition at Newark Academy, the Peer Leaders program includes rising senior class members to lead groups of ninth grade students through the freshman year experience. In the Middle School, eighth graders lead programming for groups of sixth grade students. These programs are guided by faculty members and administrators who serve in advisor roles.

Committee Representatives

Newark Academy seeks to engage students in many of the school's most important and meaningful decisions. One way that this is done is by selecting students to serve on standing decision-making groups, including the Honor Council and Curriculum Committee.

Classroom Internship Association (CIA)

As part of the CIA Program, seniors apply to be student interns in Middle School classrooms. While acting as role models for their younger peers, the "agents" gain leadership and management skills from NA faculty members.