Reunion Schedule
11 AM
2 PM
5 PM
6:30 PM
Newark Academy Alumni Awards
Each year, we host a giving challenge for all Reunion classes during our annual Day of Giving and throughout the year. The class with the highest participation on the Day of Giving gets a special prize at Reunion and the class with the highest participation of giving by the end of the fiscal year (June 30) will win the Battle of the Classes Reunion Challenge!
Reunions bring us all together — and you’ll need everyone to bring this prize home!
Reunion Ambassadors
Your Reunion Ambassador is the point person for all things Reunion for your class. Don't hesitate to reach out to them with any questions.
Want to be a Reunion Ambassador? Reach out to Erica Berger Associate Director of Advancement at or (973) 992-7000 x323 or complete this form.
Contact & Connect
For questions or more information, please contact your year’s Reunion Ambassador or Evan Nisenson '99, Director of Alumni Relations and Giving, at or (973) 992-7000 x367.
We encourage you to share highlights from the day on social media, using #NAReunion25