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With classes offered at all grade levels, NA students learn the art of storytelling through NA theater. Both the novice as well as the more experienced stage performer will find ample opportunities to progress at their own pace, while developing confidence in their performance.

Two students sit on opposite beds
Student actors in clue on stage

Students are exposed to the building blocks of dramatic study in order to become practitioners, as well as appreciators, of the art form. These include pantomime, improvisation, scene work, monologues, playwriting, directing, and the analysis of classical as well as contemporary texts. They also learn to connect with others on a deeply human level. NA’s theatrical artists often carry their training into their future endeavors.

Annual Performances:

Upper School

  • Fall drama

  • Spring musical

  • IB/Advanced Evening of Theater

  • 24-Hour Playwriting Festival

Middle School

  • Fall musical
  • Spring play
  • Drama 7 Performance
  • Drama 8 in the Middle School Evening of the Arts


NA Acting Students Perform at NJPAC

Intermediate acting students at NA spent several classes workshopping with Andrew Binger, the artistic director of Yendor Theatre and a 2009 alumnus of NA’s theater program in preparation for the performance.

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Director of Theater Arts

Rachel Shapiro Cooper

International Thespian Society

Theater students have the opportunity to audition for The International Thespian Society (ITS), the only theater honor society for middle and high school students in the country.

ITS recognizes, rewards and celebrates the work of students in all aspects of theater — performance and production. Each student is honored on a national level and gains access to opportunities and resources beyond those of their school.